British History; Robert Walpole as the First Prime Minister of England

British History; Robert Walpole as the First Prime Minister of England


  1. Introduction
  2. Domestic Policy of Robert Walpole
  3. Robert Walpole as an Excellent Financier
  4. Foreign Policy of Robert Walpole

 Robert Walpole (1721-1742)

Robert Walpole is the first Prime Minister of England.He was the leader of Whig Party and led the Whig Party Ascendancy in 18 century England. 

Domestic Policy of first Prime Minister of England Robert Walpole

Robert walpole the first prime minister of England adopted the policy of moderation during his rule.  He withdrew the excise bill in 1733 to facilitate the import of goods. Moreover, he did not repeal the Corporation Act and he did not strictly enforce the mercantile laws. In this way, Robert Walpole facilitated and encouraged the traders, industrialists and commercial good sellers of England. By adopting these policies, Robert Walpole promoted the trade as well as the interest of England in colonies and emerging colonial world. 

Robert Walpole as an Excellent Financier 

During the period of first Prime Minister of England Robert Walpole the national exchequer of England was sinking by one million pounds every year due to national debt which was touching new heights at that time. Robert Walpole reduced the national debt of England from 51,000,000 pounds to 43,000,000 pounds in 1741. Robert Walpole abolished multiple taxes on the import of goods and simplified the process of collection of tax on trade. By implementing these measures Robert Walpole gave new life to the commercial activities in England and helped Great Britain to become the leading industrial state of the world. Besides this, Robert Walpole reduced land taxes. Effective handling of the crisis arising because of the failure of South Sea Company is evidence of the leadership qualities of the first Prime Minister of England Sir Robert Walpole. 

Foreign Policy of the First Prime Minister of England Robert Walpole

The first prime minister of England Sir Robert Walpole adopted friendly relations with France. It was an important step towards the sovereignty of England because France had been the main enemy of England particularly during the war of Spanish succession when Louis XIV tried to impose the grandson of James II on the throne of England. Robert Walpole signed the Treaty of Hanover 1725 with France and Prussia. In this way Sir Robert Walpole effectively countered the thread posed by Spain and Austria to the sovereignty and integrity of Great Britain. Robert Walpole proved himself to be great foreign policy expert when he kept his nation neutral in 1733 in wake of the Polish war of succession and later on Queen pressed Robert Walpole in these words "There are 50000 men killed in 1733 in Europe and not one of them was an Englishman". Robert Walpole involved England in the Jenkins Ear War of 1739 and suffered defeats at Carthagna. Sir Robert Walpole earned the title of "Earl of Oxford".

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